Family Culture

Hello everyone! This week our class was looking at traditions, customs, and cultures of families. This topic is so unique because every family has a different approach to these things. They may have customs passed on from ancestors, or they may have made them on their own.
Within a family system we see cultures that are either being developed or being followed. What is a culture exactly? There are so many ways in which you can define a culture but the way in which culture is defined within families is the, "attitudes, ideals, beliefs, traditions, and environment in which a family develops or follows." What kind of culture does your family have? As I have reflected on this topic I have seen the vast variety of culture in different families. As I have grown up in my own family, I have seen that the culture that we follow varies greatly from that of other families. But is one culture better than another? Each family is going to be unique and needs to find what works for them, and what doesn't.

My own family has a culture of love that is expressed in many ways. We typically show our love through service, actions, and emotional affirmations. We tend to communicate our love and then act upon it to prove it to one another. For example, we may tell someone that we love them, but then we'll go out and serve them to demonstrate that we meant it. This is something that I have noticed as I've grown up and something that I want to have in my own family in the future. When it comes to traditions and cultures you can build your own. We tend to fall back to what we "know" from our past family members- but we can always change the things in which we fall back to if they are something we don't like. Your family is yours to shape. For example, I personally want to keep the culture that I grew up in, but I want to change some of the traditions we had. I want my future family to grow up in an atmosphere of love where they feel that they can be heard and respected. In addition to this, I want to create traditions that my family will do every year. I want to celebrate every holditary uniquely and have traditional activities that will allow us to bond and make memories with one another.

Now, you may be wondering how this process even works. The way in which you select traditions and culture is solely based on observation. You need to observe what you see working in other families or your own. You can do this through experimentation, memory, or simply opening your eyes to the families around you. Find what you believe in and develop a culture that will support those beliefs. You do not have to keep the culture that your family had in the past because it's the only one that "you knew." Your future is yours to create. In order to develop a successful family you need to have these things in mind. What do you believe in? What do you want your children to believe? What traditions do you want to have? Do you want your children to be heard? How can you achieve that? When you carefully plan these things out with your partner you can ensure that you build a family that is unique and your own. One culture is not better than another- but there may be some cultures that benefit your personal family better. Also keep in mind that it is never too late to build new traditions each year. If you find that something isn't working in your family, change it. You can change the way in which you approach things and do things.


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