
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Value and Challenges Families Face Today

Recently, I have been reflecting upon stories I've heard in the past of "massive families." My mind cannot fathom parents in the past having four, five, or even TEN KIDS. In our modern day, this is unheard of. We rarely see families having more than three kids anymore. Throughout history, it has become more and more unheard of to have larger families. Why is this? Why have our views of families changed so much through the course of history? While attending college I have learned so much about the different views on family and how as a society, we have come to view families. Today we typically hear and see our peers and friends talking about waiting to marry, having children before marriage, and having smaller families. Families are in danger. The norm of "not getting married or delaying marriage" is hurting families across the world. We now see families suffering from divorces, children growing up without two parent figures, loneliness, and so much more. This &q


Welcome everybody! I have created this blog for my college course called "Family Relations." As I begin posting, I will be stating information and opinions on the different topics we have been discussing in class. Along with my posts, I want to hear your feedback. I want to hear all the juicy opinions- whether you agree with my take or not. Please add your own views. Every discussion that will be held will be eye-opening and help readers to formulate their own ideas, values, and opinions. Thanks for tuning in!